365365体育在线投注DPT项目有两个独立的申请窗口, 每年一个在一月中旬,另一个在六月中旬.
2024年1月15日- 2024年6月3日
2024年6月15日- 2024年11月1日
365365体育在线投注鼓励申请者尽早申请. 提前申请的申请人可能会优先于后期申请的申请人. All application materials must be received by the deadline of each cycle for consideration (Official transcripts GRE scores, 两个引用, 以及50美元的365365体育在线投注申请费). Those who 应用 in the first cycle but do not submit all application requirements by the deadline will be reviewed in the next cycle.
学生将向PTCAS申请. 学生将提交所有GRE成绩, 通过PTCAS提交的正式成绩单和推荐信,而不是直接提交给365365体育在线投注.
通过PTCAS提交所有所需申请材料的截止日期为6月3日, 2024, 美国东部时间午夜. 这包括所有官方成绩单,GRE成绩和推荐信. Late applications or incomplete applications at the time of the deadline will be reviewed with applicants 应用ing in the second window.
通过PTCAS提交所有所需申请材料的截止日期为11月1日, 2024, 美国东部时间午夜. 这包括所有官方成绩单,GRE成绩和推荐信. 逾期申请将不获受理.
Applicants 应用ing in the first cycle will typically receive communication regarding their application within weeks from the application deadline. 但是,响应时间可能会根据应用程序的数量而变化. 请注意, that applicants who 应用 in the first cycle may receive a communication that their application is still under review and will be considered with applicants 应用ing in the second window.
Please see the Prerequisite profile for beat365在线体育投注 on PTCAS and visit our prerequisite requirements on the beat365在线体育投注 DPT website. Consult with your current academic advisor to ensure you are enrolled in courses for Pre PT/Pre-Medical Professional to meet the prerequisite requirements.
生物学: Two courses with labs at the general or college level such as General Biology I and II are accepted or a General/College level course with the addition of an upper-level course such as Microbiology, 组织学, 遗传学, 神经科学, 胚胎学等. 运动科学, 不接受非科学专业的运动生理学或入门课程.
解剖学和生理学: 必修两门带实验的课程. 解剖学和生理学或解剖学生理学I和II将被接受. 课程应为Pre- PT/Pre- professional专业. 不接受体育专业的解剖学和生理学课程.
化学: A two course sequence with labs at the general or college level such as General/College Chemistry I and II are accepted or a General/College level course with the addition of an upper-level course such as Biochemistry, 有机化学或分析化学也可以接受. 不接受非理工科专业的入门课程.
物理: A two course sequence with labs at the general or college level such as General/College Physics I and II are accepted or a General/College level course with the addition of an upper level may be accepted. 物理课程必须达到代数或微积分水平. 不接受非理工科专业的物理入门课程.
心理学: 必须修三学分的心理学课程. 课程例子包括普通心理学, 发展心理学, 变态心理学, 或人类行为.
统计: 必须修三学分的统计学课程. 统计课程可能来自不同的院系,如心理学、生物学或数学.
admissions@bbs4u.net 附课程名称、编号、院校、修完年份及课程大纲副本. 365365体育在线投注招生团队可能会提供帮助和推荐, 但申请人有责任完成入学的适当先决条件. Guidance from the admissions office on prerequisites does not always guarantee the student will meet all prerequisites and be admitted into the program.
学生可以在完成所有先决条件之前申请. 365365体育在线投注建议在申请时不超过三个先决条件. 建议所有先决条件都是在申请提交后的最近10年内完成的.
入学需要官方GRE成绩. 分数与每个申请人的整体学习成绩一起评估. 然而,GRE百分位排名越高,竞争就越激烈. 学生可以重考并提交一份以上的GRE报告,成绩不过期. 申请人使用365365体育在线投注的代码2960通过PTCAS提交官方GRE成绩. 所有GRE成绩必须在申请窗口截止日期前提交,以供考虑.
无需面试. Observation experiences are not currently required; however, 鼓励学生在申请前观察物理治疗师.